So much I can relate to here, you articulated this so well Rhi. I am in no way "fake me" when I am teaching or with kids, different version of me - yes. Exhausted and drained me at the end of the work week, also yes. It calls on a different part of ourselves. What is different about being a teacher I find, is how we we can direct the spotlight. As someone who also feels very uncomfortable with birthdays (spotlight shudder) I completely understand how teaching is different. Love this.

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Thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

I don't think I'm there yet in my teaching practice where I know how to direct the spotlight away from me enough. Also is an issue given that I've always loved lecture-style teaching, and so I too easily fall into that style. Not always appropriate! Especially with language learners...

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They would not listen if they did not appreciate where the spotlight was shining. Give yourself grace. We teach to control that spotlight, maybe direction was the wrong choice of words - I can dim when I need to or turn it up when I want. Never do I have that with in other venues which makes alone time so satisfying.

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But do they listen? ;-)

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does anyone every listen?

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my true cynic comes out...

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